Monday, 30 April 2012

Its Your Choice - Revisiting 'How To' brief

 I intend to: Graphically illustrate the Lord of The Rings Middle Earth map with reference points to the book. (Route, page numbers, chapters...) I will be using the 'How To' brief to work with and stick to two colours. For the How To brief we worked in a group and our topic was How To - Skateboard Safely. So the new brief will be How To - Navigate Middle Earth.

Why I intend to: Because I need a Graphic simplified map to help me navigate through the LOTR book I am reading currently - The Fellowship of The Ring because there isn't really a graphic based Middle Earth map with the route of the fellowship that exists.

How are you going to improve it (How To Brief):I will be screen printing the map hopefully. This will make it more interesting I think and give it an appreciation because of the technique of screen. The print will also have a nice visual quality about it.

I think a different style, version of the map will be interesting.

5 Question from the workshop with Fred.
-How does it relate to the area you would like to specialize in?
-Does it follow the brief or have you adapted it?
-Have you changed any mandatory requirements from the original brief?
-What methods of production will you use? 

Idea generation + statement of intent:  

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Self Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 

The main skills I have developed is my silk screen technique. I have learned a range of processes from how to manage my time when silk screening, to actually using a squeegee and pulling across a silk screen. I know now how to prep a screen and how long this takes. At first I misjudged the amount of time it takes to clean and strip the screens which messed up my time management. 

I didn't realise so much could go wrong. It took me three attempts to just strip a set of six screens. The first time I misjudged the size because I didn't realise you had to use a one size up screen to allow snap on the screen in order to use the screen beds. The second time I put the light sensitive emulsion on too thick; when I came to expose my images the halftone was too fine and it didn't stick to the silk screen.

I'm really happy with my what is a line screen prints. From testing the capability's of halftone on screen and then with the massive effort of preparing my screens three times I can honestly say it was worth it. I have set up a print shop online and have sold one print so far! I will be doing more screen printing in the future. I have also fulfilled one of my personal goal to get in the screen printing facility's and produce some work.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these

I think I did a lot of experimenting with the 'What is a line?' brief and this paid off for me. 

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 

I will document the work at the time it is set. I find it difficult to go back and re visit the work once it has kind of gone by. This is why it needs to be done at the time.  

I will take more picture when documenting my work. I feel I havnt fully shown what I have done because there are no images as evidence.

More research. Especially primary research and less dependence on the internet for all of my research.

I still need to produce more design sheets. I find it laborious doing them and I don't produce enough.

I will be more prepared and not leave work to the last minute.  

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

What is a line?// Individual Finals

I'm really happy with the result of these posters. I put a lot into this project and it paid off. I feel familiar with the silk screen technique from doing this brief. I understand how long it can take to actually get to the printing stage. 

I have also wanted to screen print for a while and finally I have. I will definitely be doing more silk screen in the near future. 

I think persistence is the key when silk screening. I actually printed all of these posters in one day and its really tiring physically if you are doing a high volume of prints. I decided to do more prints then necessary for hand in because id like to be able to sell some. I will be setting up a print shop soon.

American Psycho
Black on Vermillion stock

Antique white
Gradient on antique white 

Blade Runner

 Grey stone stock

Gradient on antique white

Road To Perdition
Pearl grey
Vermillion stock

I think this is my favorite print. Gradient on antique white looks good. Shame I only printed a couple.
Gradient on Grey stone stock

There Will Be Blood
Sandstone stock 

black on Burgundy
Gradient on cartridge paper

Monday, 16 April 2012

What is a line?// Halftone tests

I carried out halftone tests to see how what frequency would physically achieve the most photo realistic print. I created this set of circles; each circle has a different frequency. The result being that I can see which halftone frequency works the best for what I want to do.  

The six circles on the left are set to a higher frequency; the circles on the right are a lower frequency. I do like the lower frequency with a bigger dot size, the bigger dots size gives a nice effect but for what I want it needs to be finer.

Although I went to the effect of silk screening this image it wasn't of any use because when I created the circles some how they enlarged. It was still a useful experiment because it still showed me how fine I could go I just needed to guess the dot size of the highest appropriate frequency. 

*Tip, when you need to re size your image and you are working with half tone, re size first then created the halftone effect. I thought I had done this obviously not.

Higher frequency. Unless you zoom in you probably wont be able to see the dots. This is what I want.

Lower frequency. You can see the variation in the frequency. 

Here is the correct step when creating halftone in Photoshop.
Image > Mode > Greyscale

Bitmap > output 1200 > halftone screen
Frequency 75 - 85 > angle 30. These gave me the best results. I got help from Mike a technician.

What is a line?// Screen printing

 I managed to get in really early after prepping my screens a ridiculous amount of times. Prepping the screen included stripping all the masking tape off the screen frames, rubbing the chemical solution on which removes the UV sensitive emulsion, re applied the emulsion and then exposed the image.

 I had to do this process twice because the first time the size of the screen was not sufficient for the size I wanted and there wasn't enough snap to use the screen beds which meant that I would have to align the screen manually every time on normal tables. Not happening. The second time The emulsion was spread on the screen to thick which meant the screen didn't hold the detail of the image.


Here you can see me screen printing and also experimenting with gradient colour. To create gradient you generally have to go from the side horizontally across your image. This create the gradient effect. I did a few test prints first which made the gradient colour more subtle.

It looks pretty cool when the colours mix into each other.

Really happy with the finals. Turned out better then I thought they were going to.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Type and Grid// Hierarchy + Legibility,

 The brief we had was to find 3x Newspapers, 3x Posters and 3x Magazines. it states 'Based on the principles, terminology and information introduced in Session 3 of the Module develop a body of work that demonstrates an investigation of Typographic Hierarchies across a range of selected Graphic Design formats

I tried to find 3 magazines that I visually liked and also had a range of different pt size type.
 3X Magazines:

3X Newspaper:

3X Flyers: