The idea of the set of posters I am creating is focused on stereotyping people according to age. The general connotations of people who are 'old' are watching countdown, Worthers original etc. So I am going to do a a few scenes which do not represent old people in a conventional way.
I am trying to use humor to convey my message and the message of the images which directly relates to my proverb is 'do not judge a book by its cover'
The audience could potentially be anyone but mainly teenagers.
Possible fonts:
Possible fonts:
This is the poster with type and image.

I started off by finding all the images I would need to trace using the pen tool. I took the image of the bed side cabinet but had to use images I found on Google for the hearing aid, walking stick, red condom and false teeth.

Using Illustrator I set the opacity to 40% on the images and then proceeded to trace around the images. I made sure the composition was right before tracing them which meant I had to select the images according to the layout of the poster. From doing this task I have learn quite a few new techniques just from messing around with different tools and having to research how to do things for example using the scissor tool.
When i was live painting the images it was difficult to only use two colours and the stock of the paper but in the end I think it made the poster look a lot better. I think when you try and make images too literal when they are being coloured in Illustrator they look tacky.

This is the final version of my poster. I'm happy with this poster and I like the colour scheme the most.
This is the poster with just and an image.

I used the same techniques as the last poster. I think the message of this poster is clear. The old man with a sling shot is a contradiction which I think communicates the proverb 'don't judge a book by its cover' I used the same colour scheme as the other poster as the brief stated the posters should work as a set or series. I found it difficult to find an image to trace for the zimmer frame as the angles didn't work so I had to just draw and change the dimensions myself.

This is the final version. I'm pleased with this image as well actually. I think its bold and also communicates an idea - Old man with an object (slingshot) which generally has connotations of being a young child's toy, weapon?
This is my final image which had to be solely typography.
This is my final image which had to be solely typography.

I drew the coffin/ grave stone shape out using the pen tool and set the typography to the path. I used the Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name lyrics which lyrics are generally associated with a younger audience in apposed to someone who would be over 90!

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