We proposed our idea to the chosen group. I proposed my Brazil themed idea and the group responded well.
Two people assessed my work after I had introduced my idea to the group and then the two people left mw some feedback. The following gradings were:
Clarity of concept
Breadth of Ideas
Appropriateness of Response
Contextual Awareness
Analysis/ Understanding of Audience
Level of innovation/ Originality
Quality/ clarity of Presentation
The gradings were out of 5, 5 being excellent.
Clarity of concept - 5
Breadth of Ideas - 4
Appropriateness of Response - 4
Contextual Awareness - 4
Analysis/ Understanding of Audience - 3
Level of innovation/ Originality - 5
Quality/ clarity of Presentation - 3
Second feedback:
Clarity of concept - 5
Breadth of Ideas - 5
Appropriateness of Response - 4
Contextual Awareness -5
Analysis/ Understanding of Audience -5
Level of innovation/ Originality -5
Quality/ clarity of Presentation -4
You can see the feedback sheets:
General comments and areas for improvements:
The group said I should stick to the theme "Brazil" rather then the specific area of Brazilians football. They said I should go back to Bacardi's roots, vintage theme works well.
They said I had a good body of research so far and a good set of developed ideas.
Also I should look into main competitors across supermarket contexts. Other spirits. Think about how the theme could be applied, where?
Think about some slogans for the campaign,
Although its obvious the older logos are better - find out what people think about the logo so you have proof that people think they are better.
Think about shape of glasses and other bar related items.
Very good idea, so many possible avenues to go down. Important to explore all of the possibilities. A range of advert contexts/ subjects would be good.
My action plan:
- Look at established brands similar to Bacardi that are successul.
- Highlight 150 years of production, give the bat some identity.
- More visual presence?
- How can Bacardi + Brazil relate in the bar context?
- Primary research justifying the need of a Brazil themed Bacardi rum
I am very happy with the results of the proposition and I know that my idea is strong. Here is my re-written proposal which has been polished using the handout we received:
10 steps to writing persuasive project proposals.
New Proposal:
Overall aim is to make males ages 18-24 feel comfortable with buying Bacardi rum. Specific aims are to increase the sales of Bacardi by tapping into this demographic. I am proposing a Brazilian themed Bacardi brand of rum.
Objectives are to brand Bacardi rum that will make men 18-24 feel masculine and have a sense of authenticity - making the brand make a statement about who he is and what is important to him.
The justification for the proposal for the Brazilian theme is that obvious Bacardi currently is not making a statement to the 18-24 year old male, this being identified by Bacardi. The male of this age is looking for some kind of identity from a brand which they can relate to, I believe this is the identity I have proposed for example, the world cup, Brazilian carnival, history of the brand in Brazil and the Olympics 2016. I will back this statement up with research soon but as I am the exact audience (21 year old male) I feel confident I am right.
Demographic 18-24 male target:
Student - Generally not married, not a homeowner, typically rent property, full-time/part-time education, social, generally go out a lot, generally consume alcohol, possibility they are interested in football, good possibility they enjoy travelling and other cultures, legal to drink in the UK.
Full-time worker - Possibility they are married, possibility they are a homeowner, typically rent property, social, generally consume alcohol at the weekends, possibility they are interested in football, possibility they enjoy travelling and other cultures, legal to drink in the UK.
Part-time worker - married, single/in a relationship, generally seen as an out-going age, legally drink alcohol in the UK, possible home owner, possible rent property, possibility they enjoy travelling and other cultures.
They will all engage with a brand that makes them look cultured and outgoing/ social. They will engage with a brand that has a strong identity for example Sailor Jerry's, Jack Denials and Captain Morgans. The demographic will be located all over the country and will be in all aspects of industry.
My motivations are producing something males my age will find conceptually interesting and aesthetically pleasing. They will be proud to purchase a bottle/ drink of Bacardi rum and they will think themselves social adept because of it.
I relish the idea of branding Bacardi which puts their interesting history in the public eye because honestly it is quite interesting but I was not aware of the history until I started doing my own research for this brief, which is a shame.
I would love to see my Bacardi brand rolled across various media streams to the point where people recognise not just the brand but the identity of the family company.
I can picture my 3D Bacardi logo and re-brand on the pitch of the opening game of the 2014 football world cup, backed up with digital media and print based resources.
You heard it here first.
Design sheets so far:
I think this was a good idea; UV ink printed somehow onto the bottle. The ink would show up in bars and clubs which would give the design different contextual properties. The ink might not be the main design, just some kind of pattern underlying the main branding and design maybe?
Bat head for a cork. Opening the bottle by pulling the bats head out.
Bat skin style vinyl. Something that feels like bat skin would be interesting. The vien on the a bats wings are also I want to explore further.
The illustration on the left is my idea for a bottle which would cast a bats shadow.
This is the mask idea. Using the logo on the face of a carnival dancer.
Football incorporation. I think this would look quite tacky if I am honest. My feedback also said try and stick to Brazil rather then an specific area (world cup)
Different compositions I could use on bottles. I was trying to get a feel of what it might look like.