Sunday 4 March 2012

Communication Is A Virus // Juice Pure

How Does It Spread? 

You have been given an idea, concept, message or task. You are required to produce a graphic response that engages with a specific audience. 

Your response should consider the context and environment in which you aim for it to be delivered. You will need to identify this as part of your initial concept proposal. 

You should aim to identify, analyse and use existing means of distributions in order to select an appropriate method of communication. 

 Background / Considerations What do you want to say? How do you intend to say it? What language would be appropriate? Will the content be communicated primarily through type or image? If it is both what is the relationship between the two? What are you aiming to achieve? Are you directing your audience to a website, encouraging them to attend an event? Will it be interactive or encouraging them to change their lifestyle The tone of voice of voice should be appropriate to your content, the audience to which your work will be delivered and the context in which it will be viewed or delivered. 

A limited colour pallet, two colours plus stock, will allow for reproduction of your designs across a range of media. You should resolve this problem by the deadline stated below. However, if you have plans to extend the scope and ambition of your response beyond this deadline you should include these proposals in your presentation.

Group - Sam Lane, Ross Francis, Simon Isles and me. 

This is the general design. You can get nets on the internet.

Our group decided to go with 'Try something New' Our concept is to brand a recycled wallet made from empty juice cartons.

 We had two routes which we new we could go down. One would be to create the nets/ instructions for people to make their own juice purses/ wallets. The other direction was to make the wallets yourself and come up with a corporate identity for them branding the product, making a logo and catalogue for the products.

Our plan would be to sell the items for cheap, maybe a couple of pounds each. The whole idea being recycling in a creative way and trying something new. If we were to go down this route  our solution would be:

- Wallets, created by us, 10 or 15 designs.
- Branding for the wallets. Logo etc
- Website for the products, maybe a twitter, facebook, bigcartel and cargo.
- A catalogue for the products.

We know that what we are selling anyone can make and have one for free if they have a spare carton lying around but thats what makes the concept different. Encouraging people to try something different by purchasing something that is recycled for a fraction of the price of a conventional wallet. I think this is an exciting idea as its something different that we havnt really done before. If we set up a wallet shop with realistic brand would the product sell? Zero overhead and start up costs.

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