Monday, 23 January 2012


Iolite Vaporizer
Volcano Vaporizer 
Brothers Vaporizer 
Silver Surfer Vaporizer

These are Vaporizers. 'Vaporization is an alternative to burning (smoking) that avoids the production of irritating toxic and carcinogenic by-products by heating the material so its active compounds boil off into a vapor. No combustion occurs, so no smoke or taste of smoke is present. Vapor ideally contains virtually zero particulate matter or tar, and significantly lower concentrations of noxious gases such as carbon monoxide.' - Wikipedia 

I might do something with vaporizers I'm not sure yet. I have collected these images as reference materials and also to look at the way they are branded. If you didn't know what vaporizers were you might struggle to understand what they are by looking at them without an explanation. Also most of them are not  covered in cannabis imagery.

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